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Blood Banking Division

Established in 1979, Husaini Blood Bank is one of the leading blood banks of South-East Asia, driving forward in its aim to provide safe blood to patients while promoting Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation (VNRBD). Our blood bank undertakes collection of blood donations at our various locations, screens, safely stores, conducts compatibility verification and blood component separation at our central lab facility using the latest technology.

Husaini Blood Bank has seen tremendous growth since its inception, with current annual blood donations standing at 125,000 units, and storage capacity of 5,000 units.

Our blood donations are received from individual donors at our branches, and through blood drives held in partnership with individuals, educational institutes, non-profit organizations and corporate entities.

Why should you donate blood?

Donating blood has benefits for your emotional and physical health such as:

Maintains healthy heart and liver

Stimulates blood cell production

Reduced risk of hemochromatosis

Make a difference in your community by helping others

Develop a sense of commitment to and connection with your fellow-beings

Additionally, Husaini Blood Bank also provides a free general check up and a blood diagnostic report to each donor, ensuring health and safety of those you help, as well as yours.

Eligibility Criteria

To donate blood you must fit in the following criteria:

18-50 years, above 50 Kg.

Normal temperature, pulse and blood pressure.

No Respiratory Diseases

Above 12.5 g/dL Hemoglobin

No skin disease, puncture or scars

No history of transmissible disease

Blood Donation Procedure

Take a look at our Blood Donation Procedure

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Fill out the form which helps us assess your eligibility and donation history.
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Health Evaluation
Your eligibility will be tested based on the results of a general medical checkup conducted on location.
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Blood Donation
Blood donation will take about 8-10 minutes in a comfortable space to lie down.
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After the donation has been completed, you receive refreshments to bolster your energy.

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Supporting Transfusion services

Our Blood Bank supports our Transfusion Services Division by providing blood and its components to 600 Thalassemia and Haemophilia patients, amount to 15,000 units of blood annually. This is enabled by the donations of our volunteer blood donors.